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Refined Coconut Oil or commonly known as RBD Coconut Oil is a popular type of manufactured oil that has many benefits. RBD Coconut Oil itself is made from dried copra or coconut.


Refined Coconut Oil or commonly known as RBD Coconut Oil is a popular type of manufactured oil that has many benefits. Refined Coconut Oil or commonly known as RBD Coconut Oil is a popular type of manufactured oil that has many benefits. RBD Coconut Oil itself is made from dried copra or coconut. Some of the steps involved in making RBD Coconut Oil are the use of high pressure in the extract, then heating it and then giving additional compounds that are useful for eliminating the smell and taste contained in coconut oil.

RBD Coconut Oil has its own characteristics due to the high pressure refining process. This coconut oil product will usually look clearer, have a bland taste and also have no smell, so it can be easily used as a raw material for making soap, cosmetics and commercial food processing.

RBD Coconut Oil is also commonly used in the food industry because of its easy-to-blend taste and odorless aroma. RBD coconut oil is also preferred because it has the same medium chain triglyceride fatty acids as native coconut. Even though it is heated in the refining process of RBD Coconut Oil, the medium chain triglyceride fatty acid content of coconut oil remains stable and does not break down easily. Medium chain triglyceride fatty acids are preferred because this type of fatty acid does not form into cholesterol but can be converted into energy, so as not to cause excess fat deposition in the body. Therefore, RBD Coconut Oil is the ingredient of choice in large-scale frying in the food industry because it is proven to be healthier than vegetable oil from other sources.