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Virgin Coconut Oil has many benefits for the health of the body. Starting to be used as an external remedy for skin pain and can also be consumed directly or as a natural complement to smoothies or salads. Medically, the health benefits of consuming a lot of VCO are as follows:

First, the efficacy of this VCO can improve metabolism and digestive health. How to consume oil for this property can be directly or mix 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil with granola and fruit or vegetables. Consuming VCO oil regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease. Because the content of VCO oil can increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL). HDL can balance bad cholesterol (LDL).

Another benefit is to nourish the hair. Apply VCO on the hair shaft and scalp, then massage and clean with water. For beauty, this oil can be used as waterproof makeup. The trick is to simply pour it on a cotton swab and then gently wipe the area of the face you want to clean.

VCO oil also contains medium-chain triglyceride fatty acids (MTCs) which can be directly converted by the liver into ketones. Ketones have amazing effects on the brain, such as preventing epilepsy and Alzheimer’s, but these properties still need further research.

The efficacy of lauric acid content in VCO oil is believed to be able to kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses that are lodged in the body. Even the properties of this oil can nourish the skin and hair, used as a remedy for eczema to moisturize dry skin, and is also believed to prevent damage caused by sun exposure.

Virgin Coconut Oil can also keep teeth strong and healthy because VCO oil can kill bacteria that cause cavities. Even so, you still have to brush and rinse your teeth regularly so that there is no plaque or food that sticks so that dental health is maintained.